Post Meeting Minutes


   - Met up, broke the ice, overall got to know each other as groupmates

   - Watched the first half of the movie, pausing and jotting down notes whenever any of us had thoughts

   - Planned to meet up again sometime the same week to finish up watching the rest of the movie together


   - Met up after class to watch the second half of the movie

   - Took the same approach as the previous meetup, pausing to discuss certain aspects of the movie and writing down notes where we saw necessary

   - Begun discussion of the delegation of responsibilities


   - Had trouble with scheduling another time to meet where we were all available; decided to do rewatches of the movie on our own time

   - Delegated roles, specifically with who would be working on analyzing certain chapters and their relation to the movie

   - Decided to collaborate on other aspects of the website


   - Brainstormed presentation ideas, outlined conclusions and discussion topics on Google Doc

   - Created Google Slides to design how the presentation would be structured

   - Talked about more ideas for what could go on our website rather than our presentation


   - Decided to meet up after getting an email regarding feedback on our website/presentation

   - Made changes to the website where we could, discussed ideas for changes that would take more time

   - Continued making progress on our presentation


   - Finalized the structure of our presentation, including images from the movie and outside sources

   - Performed a mock run-through of the presentation, timing ourselves

   - Delegated roles for who would be focusing on which slides during our presentation


   - Got together one final time before presentation day

   - Performed more run-throughs of the presentation with the delegated roles in place

   - Briefly discussed what work we would have to focus on with the website following the completion of our presentation